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RE: VoutsasApps Contact us Form: Local Digital Weather Station Pro - VoutsasApps

Hi Paul,
thanks for your email.=C2=A0Unfortunately our weather app d=
oes not support connection with wireless weather stations. Concerning th=
e weather underground provider, we have a beta version but it is not rea=
dy for production yet. We will announce it in our site when we’ll be rea=

Vassilis Voutsas

—– O=
riginal Message —–

From: Paul Veirauch =
To: support@voutsa=
Sent: Wed, 8 Nov 2017 19:03:50 +0000
Subject: VoutsasApps Contact us Form: Local Digital Wea=
ther Station Pro

VoutsasApps Contact us Form: Local Digital Weath=
er Station Pro

From: Paul Veirauch
Application selected: Local Digital Weather Sta=
tion Pro

Message Body:
Does this App connect to a wireless personal weather s=
tation=3F I have a LaCrosse Technology 330 personal weather station and =
I=E2=80=99m looking for an app to interface between the station and my i=
Pad & iPhone. My station information is on the web and is registered=
on Weather Underground.

This e-mail was sent from a contact form on VoutsasApps (http://w=